Lost Dogs Florida partners with HelpingLostPets.com to get more pets home.
HeLP is a completely free service for everyone: owners, finders, vet clinics, shelters, stray holding facilities, police departments, and the public.
HeLP is the largest database for lost and found pets in North America. Having ALL of the listings in ONE central place is helping more lost pets get home quickly. Not only is this is wonderful for pets and their families, but it also decreases the number of lost pets taking up valuable kennel space in overcrowded shelters, decreasing shelter euthanasia rates.
To receive alerts for lost/found pets listed in your neighborhood, join for FREE: www.HelpingLostPets.com/ALERTS
To list a lost or found pet (FREE): www.HelpingLostPets.com
For helpful information click on a link below:
Why Shelters Should Use HeLP
How To Search the HeLP Map
Search our lost/found pet database by Map or drop down menu
Report a Sighting
How HeLP Can Help Rescue Organizations
Why Your Veterinarian Should Sign Up For a Free Listing
Free HeLP for veterinary clinics
Dead end microchip? Let us help with unregistered or out-of-service phone numbers
List of Florida animal shelters
Proper scanning and microchip implanting techniques for shelters and veterinary clinics
Lost Dogs of America
HeLP is a completely free service for everyone: owners, finders, vet clinics, shelters, stray holding facilities, police departments, and the public.
HeLP is the largest database for lost and found pets in North America. Having ALL of the listings in ONE central place is helping more lost pets get home quickly. Not only is this is wonderful for pets and their families, but it also decreases the number of lost pets taking up valuable kennel space in overcrowded shelters, decreasing shelter euthanasia rates.
To receive alerts for lost/found pets listed in your neighborhood, join for FREE: www.HelpingLostPets.com/ALERTS
To list a lost or found pet (FREE): www.HelpingLostPets.com
For helpful information click on a link below:
Why Shelters Should Use HeLP
How To Search the HeLP Map
Search our lost/found pet database by Map or drop down menu
Report a Sighting
How HeLP Can Help Rescue Organizations
Why Your Veterinarian Should Sign Up For a Free Listing
Free HeLP for veterinary clinics
Dead end microchip? Let us help with unregistered or out-of-service phone numbers
List of Florida animal shelters
Proper scanning and microchip implanting techniques for shelters and veterinary clinics
Lost Dogs of America
Lost Dogs Florida is a 501c3 non-profit EIN# 84-3438237